The virtual twinning meetings have also commenced for Padua, coordinator of the LIFE Veneto ADAPT project: not long ago the video call with Murcia (Spain) finished, one of the cities selected by the “Call for Twinning” promoted by the European project.
Representing the Council of Murcia at today’s event (26 January) was Manuel Vals, the city’s European Programs official. For the Council of Padua there was Daniela Luise, representative of the Environmental Department and the Informambiente Office, and Giovanni Vicentini and Cinzia Rinzafri, also for the Environmental Department. Coordination of Italian Local Agenda 21 was also at the meeting with Michele Zuin.
Today is, therefore, the official beginning of the “twinning journey” that involves and will involve the two cities in a productive exchange of ideas and knowledge on matters such as mitigation, adaptation, circular economy and urban agendas.
After the general presentation of LIFE Veneto ADAPT and its aims, topics were discuss that form the basis of the PAESC and that will become subjects of discussion over the coming meetings, from the managing of blue infrastructure, planning sustainable transportation to the poor energy measures and ways to support energy redevelopment of private residential buildings. Both Padua and Murcia have shown the fundamental role of institutional governing within their respective administrations to allow the resilience and energy transition policies to have the best chance of fruition.