Climate change

The area interested by Veneto ADAPT Project is in the Padano-Veneta plain, and as in all flood plains the main hydrogeological and environmental risks for the are floods caused by waters overflowing from the riverbeds when the rivers are full.

More than 56% of the region is made up of plains, and more than three quarters of Veneto's 4.9 million plus inhabitants live on the plains area (of which 3,5 live in the extended area covered by the project).

The central area of the Veneto Region has faced several climate-related catastrophic events in the late years, especially flooding.

The most affected areas were initially the provinces of Verona, Vicenza and Padua. Then the situation became critical throughout the region., also in the territories of the province of Verona, Vicenza, Padua, Treviso and Belluno.

These constant risks to which the communities are exposed represent a warning to re-consider the Climate Change in the action strategies in order to mitigate their negative consequences.

These problems, in fact, should be faced in the framework of the EU climate and policy legislation which focuses on enhancing the preparedness and capacity to respond to the impacts of climate change at local, regional, national and EU levels, developing a coherent approach and improving coordination.

Veneto ADAPT reproduces this addresses at regional level with the participation of principal cities, a metropolitan area and a union of municipalities all belonging to this dispersed city to the formulation of a new strategy and approach to adaptation and a new multi-level wide area governance model. This new approach will be mainstreamed through the formulation of regional guidelines for adaptation.